Tuesday, 24 April 2018


Tall as a tyre tree
beautiful as the sunset

sits a day light
waiting the night
to kiss her breasts apart

)baa bi(a certain woman) is dying
for nothing but love
like a warrior that
             can't remember his home

)baa yi (this woman)
has no character
like a sterile womb
nothing can be done with her

but )ba bia'ra y3 )baa (but every woman is a woman)
though her use  is only
known by every lonely night

a silk that can only be woven
with the lone loom by nights

)baa yi w) 3nimonyam (a woman painted with curved lines)
but lacks on true love and stability
as the hen lacks on urination

3firi )baa yi suban bi nti. (due to this woman's character)
and this woman also calls herself a woman
but )baa bia'ra ny3 )baa? (but is every woman not a woman?)

.)baa bi as3m.
.a certain woman's story.
---Fampah Coyish---

Thursday, 19 April 2018


I met love today;
dark, thick, tall
i never thought she will be that
beautiful, and sexy

she sounded sweet and harsh
.with a calm countenance to match.
she was dark
and wore her dark skin tight

not something i expected
not purplish, reddish
and was very fair to look upon

i have seen the colour of love
it is not really a colour,
but how i chose to see it.
---Fampah Coyish---

Sunday, 8 April 2018


We never talk that much
cause the phone is always in use-
your phone.

referring to them as dear, sweetie-
other men

other men had access to your attention
than i did
talking of your exes and their likes

in my presence
and i ask where is your common sense?!

but any thoughts of your transparency display
was flawed!

and me of all people  never breath a thing
but you of all people should have known

as i oft lay in silence
wrenching my heart from jealousy
throwing back and forth the thought:

. "she had friends before we met".

and this never get to stop
and i breath a word of it

since then, i become the fault
because i got tired of the thoughts
She had guy friends before we met

picking a new thought
i don't care

i cannot beg for your attention
when i am with you

for there is always another man
occupying your attention on the phone.

---Fampah Coyish---

Sunday, 1 April 2018


We have had much
heard much
and seen much

.In March.

the month of March has been
much a tough month for us

So please, April,
be good to us in our weaknesses.

be that gentle boyfriend and girlfriend who will
love us with unrequited love

and never be ashamed of it
due to our weakness in loving back

We wish we could return your love
 in thousand folds-but we are weak!

There lies a weakness in us that drains
every love we mean to return to you.
---Fampah Coyish---