Wednesday, 12 December 2018


all the times i spent searching
walking miles for a cure
for my lonesomeness

then you came,
and i knew you would some day come

to fill this gap that has been left unfilled
then you filled it with your presence
i told everyone i have found the one

.erojobo, i found love.

yet the rope that tied us continually loosed as we tied

& little did we know;
we only unlaced ourselves by tying these knots of love

erojobo, i lost the one thing that i found
---Fampah Coyish---

Thursday, 6 December 2018


i have been told by many broken voices
that love is a flame that consumes the soul when neared
and i keep wondering
how come mine has not been lit,
or is my soul made of water?
---Fampah Coyish---

Photo credit: google

Wednesday, 31 October 2018


When you left your body
we did not know what to do with it
now you have become a song
in our dried mouths

I hope we figure your rhythms out
for since you left the tabernacle
we have still not learn to figure your notes up

Papa still cannot sing your song
and Mama still beats her breast

I still wonder if it is for the beauty
of the song
or the hurt stuck between the teeth of her heart after all these years

When you left your body,
Sista could not know what to do with your name
so Sista wove your name into music.

.we cover our tongues with each night.

but Papa and mama are still finding it
hard enough to cover their tongues
fully with it.

After all these years Sister,
your name still remains a song in our mouths
which is hard to sing.
---Fampah Coyish---
©Awoken by Poems-Fampah Coyish 2018

Friday, 28 September 2018


i am a broken mirror
sometimes i just need someone
to pick me up, look their faces in mine
and smile

.that assurance that i am valuable.

that in my broken nature
i too, could serve a purpose
at least be useful in mine own way.

you could not look me
in my broken nature for long.
you could not admire to behold
my imperfect state.

Oh, i was a broken mirror!
also capable of giving my opinion
worth advising and hold a confidence
when handed one

capable of sharing scaring secrets with!
just like the other whole pieces.

you looked far too much
on my broken edges
and the cracks within

and when i stood before you
it always was the crooked edges  you focused on
forgetting my little uses each day.

i was a broken mirror
and you could not admire
to accept my imperfect nature.

Oh, i was a broken mirror
and you, my poor perfectionist.
---Fampah Coyish---

©Awoken by Poems-Fampah Coyish 2018

Wednesday, 5 September 2018


There are some girls
who could not have the opportunity
to call a man daddy
because the men who where strong in making them
for some reasons could not stand strong
to accept and own them.

There are some boys
who could have been better off
with a woman to call mother,
but the women that begat them
for some reasons forgot them.
---Fampah Coyish---

Sunday, 2 September 2018


i remember the day
you said you will take your own life
because i could not love you
how you expected me to.
     that night, i begged you not to
and you still threatened me
that you will not survive the morning
if my love will not thrive with you through that night 
and the mornings on wards
     i remember  i told you i loved you
and love could not cure all diseases-
that i could not stand your untamed manners
             .and you promised in a pool of tears
              a second chance would birth your change.
     but that was when i should have sublimed with the night
leaving no traces of my love with you
     i should have allowed you too!
my mistake was making you live
when i had the opportunity to help you
count those pills down your throat,
one by one, colour by colour
---Fampah Coyish---

Wednesday, 29 August 2018


If I am given this chance
I shall fix
           -i shall put in place

Every broken piece
                           Of this broken heart

Like a jigsaw puzzle
I shall mend this brittle broken heart
                                    and straighten that crooked
smile on your lips.

Friday, 3 August 2018

The day i spoke air
you could not hear

because it was soft

then i spoke wind
and you whined

.because i was much cold.

the day i spoke thunder
the devil quivered

her body unwrapped-
lost all the warmed inside her

her thighs parted

i spoke silence
and her devil departed.

Friday, 29 June 2018


The sun presented herself naked
with no rays on

fixing her face gradually
fixating her smile on me

.a poor soul pouring  thoughts in every think.

whence comes my help?
will i chance on a smile
if i be chanced to approach one?

my bed holds me back from waking
and the doors of  my brains ajar 

with every thought brewed 
ending with a tangy taste.

the careless drives of nights 
always ends each morning in a fatal demise 
every morning is a funeral.
---Fampah Coyish---

Saturday, 16 June 2018


Where your eyes meet mine
and the sky on the horizon
 is where the sky kissed the ocean

Then we fell in
not in the ocean
but in each other's' arms

There we kissed
not the ocean
but each other's lips.

Where the fog dimmed our sights
on the peak of the mountain
is where we began

.we began to lose focus.

Focus of importance
not of the peak
but of our love

it was not the fog
it was our wearied eyes.

we looked far too much
we missed the mark.
---Fampah Coyish---

Wednesday, 13 June 2018


Wining wasn't tall in our heart
neither was losing a stout potbellies

we have this story in our hearts
we cannot run past
& so it unfolds

we had six packs minds
ripped thoughts
that walled our women safe

broke us in the eyes of our women
with whips and gons
till we lost our value as kings in their eyes

but our numbers multiplied
so they poured thoughts in our brains

.they washed our black brains white.

washed us of all thoughts we held dear
made us inferior in ourselves

whiter the brain the useful the being
by adding a little of their white
in our women

gathered us together and divided us
by looks, height, colour, stature

...three zero six years now

some of us still hold our brains black
so they are still washing
till we lose all the blackness within

our men are chasing the fair
our women becoming the fair

and changing the hair
to gain our favour

our children are washed white before birth
with no accent no culture
no manners no melanin

.the lion after taken from his kingdom
has been told he's a cute lamb and has believed it.

our minds are washed
the masters knew first

the melanin was in our brain not in our skin
the melanin is lynched!
---Fampah Coyish---

Monday, 4 June 2018


You're so pretty
i lost my name
when you asked  it

i forgot my hands in my pocket
as you borrowed me yours

.i forgot i had hands.

& sometimes i do still search for
my name
and forget my hands around you.
---Fampah Coyish---

Thursday, 31 May 2018


If there was an alphabet
a single one

.that could summarise my love for you.

i would have used it
expressing my heartfelt to you

but it leaves me writing pages in you
for there is none in replace of
i love you

and there is always more to utter
no matter how i alter to censor
i never get to stop writing.

jot every single feeling in my heart
flip the pages of my chest apart and write
write of all your wildest ideas

write with many wet tongues
in ever flowing inks of saliva
side by side

in summary
never miss to punctuate me with your kisses

for i will be without meaning
void of them in every write up.
---Fampah Coyish---

Monday, 28 May 2018


I grew in a haste
finding love

.missing on all childhood frenzies.

i grew up in a haste
wanting to be adult

jumped all the little things
that made one young
for looking adult looked fun

i skipped mum's breast
in pursuit of a more firmer ones

some thought i was precocious
i was too smart for my own liking

i'm sad i could not ask silly questions
that made childhood fun

i'm left with nothing to be nostalgic about
i wish i could suck mum's saggy breasts
pulled her nips soo hard just for a butt slap-

a nostalgia i yearn for.
---Fampah Coyish---

Saturday, 26 May 2018


Let me
before I die;
                  Let me
       before I hate.
                           For the burden of hate is great,
                                            But that of love, is grace.
---Fampah Coyish---

Tuesday, 24 April 2018


Tall as a tyre tree
beautiful as the sunset

sits a day light
waiting the night
to kiss her breasts apart

)baa bi(a certain woman) is dying
for nothing but love
like a warrior that
             can't remember his home

)baa yi (this woman)
has no character
like a sterile womb
nothing can be done with her

but )ba bia'ra y3 )baa (but every woman is a woman)
though her use  is only
known by every lonely night

a silk that can only be woven
with the lone loom by nights

)baa yi w) 3nimonyam (a woman painted with curved lines)
but lacks on true love and stability
as the hen lacks on urination

3firi )baa yi suban bi nti. (due to this woman's character)
and this woman also calls herself a woman
but )baa bia'ra ny3 )baa? (but is every woman not a woman?)

.)baa bi as3m.
.a certain woman's story.
---Fampah Coyish---

Thursday, 19 April 2018


I met love today;
dark, thick, tall
i never thought she will be that
beautiful, and sexy

she sounded sweet and harsh
.with a calm countenance to match.
she was dark
and wore her dark skin tight

not something i expected
not purplish, reddish
and was very fair to look upon

i have seen the colour of love
it is not really a colour,
but how i chose to see it.
---Fampah Coyish---

Sunday, 8 April 2018


We never talk that much
cause the phone is always in use-
your phone.

referring to them as dear, sweetie-
other men

other men had access to your attention
than i did
talking of your exes and their likes

in my presence
and i ask where is your common sense?!

but any thoughts of your transparency display
was flawed!

and me of all people  never breath a thing
but you of all people should have known

as i oft lay in silence
wrenching my heart from jealousy
throwing back and forth the thought:

. "she had friends before we met".

and this never get to stop
and i breath a word of it

since then, i become the fault
because i got tired of the thoughts
She had guy friends before we met

picking a new thought
i don't care

i cannot beg for your attention
when i am with you

for there is always another man
occupying your attention on the phone.

---Fampah Coyish---

Sunday, 1 April 2018


We have had much
heard much
and seen much

.In March.

the month of March has been
much a tough month for us

So please, April,
be good to us in our weaknesses.

be that gentle boyfriend and girlfriend who will
love us with unrequited love

and never be ashamed of it
due to our weakness in loving back

We wish we could return your love
 in thousand folds-but we are weak!

There lies a weakness in us that drains
every love we mean to return to you.
---Fampah Coyish---

Wednesday, 14 February 2018


We made different paths to tread on
and merged the two different paths
but our paths never met life’s criteria

.but who keeps mazing these paths for our treading?.

we were still two beautiful parallel lines
that would never have met, not even in space.

i loved you with all the energies of my soul
and you too, such a cute empress
free and pretty as an untamed parrot

we were an oasis;
a scare combination

i told you,
that we were parallel, no matter how we bent
we could never meet the criteria of love

yet you thought we could still meet someday
i hope we meet, in space whenever the trumpet sounds.
---Fampah Coyish---

Saturday, 3 February 2018


Sometimes, life leaves us lonely
with our loved ones far
most often far beyond our reach

but let the distance yield us
till we are fully ripen
to take up this mantle
for love never grows old
its pain never slumbers

.fifty years to come.

you’ll know, you weren’t ready to
take up that mantle
for you were never ready for it

all life threw at you, was fair enough
for your own good.
---Fampah Coyish---

Friday, 12 January 2018


I want to be a feeling
that tickles you within
give you no reason to be happier

i want to be that feeling that makes you moan
crave me the more
that spreads me like a mat on your face

tingling, butterflies within
let me be that, all that
silly little feelings you feel within.

---Fampah Coyish---

Wednesday, 10 January 2018


When I look into your eyes, I love it!
for sound becomes much clearer

cause you speak out to me in a manner
in which mouth cannot express,
using words on repeat you seldom use.

you say things just as they are
even when your lips are still shut
oh, how I love to see you

and your mouth mute
leaving your eyes do the speeches alone.

---Fampah Coyish---

Poetry News

Happy new Year to you!
this year we will be changing the font of the texts

our new texts will be in Times New Roman, font 12
i guess it will not be that small for your individual eyes

I hope you all had a wonderful holidays
welcome to 20018!
thank you for reading my works