Saturday, 31 May 2014



Even while life plays its role
Death waits at a corner of jealousy
Waiting to roll.
The life we live today explains nothing
As we grow
Death comes in many shapes and forms
You could hardly tell his nature

Yet dying an infant still has nothing
To be compared to dying a year after birth.
The saddest part of death is not dying a day after birth
The saddest part of death is not dying hungry
The saddest part of death is not dying
Neither a pauper nor a mad man
Neither is it being drowned
Nor burn into ashes.

Death is living, and living is dying
The saddest part of death is not being
Hanged on a tree
Not suffocating to one’s last breath
But being dead in any of these ways
Without a corpse to bury.
Leaving without a last smile
For families and friends to cherish.
---Fampah Coyish---

© By Fampah Coyish-Awoken By Poems 2014

Friday, 30 May 2014



It cannot be the defeat that was great
It has not been the happiness
That has grown to fly.

Since you left I always cry
Not because I suffered the pain
For suffering was good.
How bad would it have been,
If I had not suffered?

For then I had seen my field of playing
Known my strengths and weakness
Identified my capabilities.

Suffering is good, only if
It will bring good
What good would it have been
If I had not suffered?
---Fampah Coyish---
© By Fampah Coyish-Awoken By Poems 2013

Thursday, 29 May 2014



 Will we and the entire earth be caught in amazement?
That alas the monster has finally departed?
Will the whole heavens swell up with jubilation?
That finally-finally the claws of hell has broken
And gone blunt?

Who will mourn the wicked, if he be dead?
Who will mourn the ungrateful-the backbiter
The dealer of darkness?
Will there ever be rooms in the heart of the benevolent?
An empty one of course.
Will there ever be humanity in humans when the
Wicked finally-finally departs the lands of the living?

Sometimes I wonder; how every soul praises
The good departed ones and hearts
How all good words and songs mixed with sweet saliva,
Are sung to fill their caskets.
Sometimes I ask myself;
Will there ever be a tad of these lines
A leftover of these sweet praises for
The wicked departed ones and hearts?
Will there ever be?
Will reservations be made for them when we finally-finally
Reckon that not all hearts are good?

Will we still sing our honey coated eulogies?
When we realise that, or will our
Praises burn out into ashes in our mouths?
And all our good perspectives and intentions breakdown into dust?
Will our sweet saliva be swallowed or shall we spit away?
But who at all will mourn the wicked?

Is it the poor whom he took away his nothingness?
Or will it be the weak whom he bullied?
The rich whom he stole from nor
The kind-hearted whom he paid dearly
With ungratefulness-
Who at all will mourn him-who?
---Fampah Coyish---

© By Fampah Coyish-Awoken By Poems 2014

Monday, 26 May 2014



We cry heaven must wait-
Heaven must wait, because we fear
The blazing sight of hell
Yet we do worst each day we’re spared.

We cry for wealth-make us wealthier
Yet in our wealthiest we do
Grievously each day
By stealing the poor and needy.

We flap our wings of wealth to the world
To display like an eagle
But its eyes we have refused to borrow.
Cause we don’t see the use of its eyes
That could notice the tiniest
Struggling creatures to help-
As we flap our wealth to display
Our earthly glories and beauties.

We are blind as an owl,
Who only waits till night
To scare and devour the struggling,
The helpless and afflicted.

We don’t have mercy, like jackals we
Cause pain while laughing.
Our hearts are puffed up with pride-
Our hearts are strong,
Its strength is like a speed steel
So hardened and tempered
That there is no room
For the exercising of forgiveness.
But as we cry for Heaven to wait
Let us remember that Hell his brother
Shall also be waiting.
---Fampah Coyish---
© By Fampah Coyish-Awoken By Poems 2014

Saturday, 24 May 2014



Am trapped in this poetic world
Shackles on my feet, I can’t run away
Eyes fastened by diction, I can’t find a way
Am ensnared by Poetry and its seen in written word

I am daily being swallowed in, in the infinite deep of this passion
Holding me so, in ever tightening rings and in refrain
I find myself rhyming, and am afraid I can’t let go, just simply drawn
Am sucked in, deep, past, reachable marks known

And they say we are just infected
That such passion will ever leave us transcended
In things particular and resented
That life can’t hold us in such habits repeated
That if we don’t give up and have poetry repented
We will remain outsiders ever discriminated

Daily lashes on my soft brains
I can’t stand it yet I can’t refrain
Maybe I’m an addicted slave
I hate to rhyme but I’m ensnared, and just a slave
I’m in chains and I need a change-
An inspiration to inspire my liberation
Yet chances look slim.

My world is too dark,
No light of happiness, always cuffed to the quill.
I’m sick and tired of the pains of wanting my words to prill
Whiles the tattoo of my pain always comes to patrol
From a faraway land out of the boundaries of my soul.
My agonies embedded on my heart-I’m enslaved

I’m stuck behind these poetic bars
Always harvesting regrets of birth in my sad plantations
Yet hoping to find a story that could get the most suitable
Lines that could be sung as praises
For my bravery during my torturing times.
Branded “Poet” on my skins, I can’t escape-
People will find me, send me back
To my copious emotions for ransoms for I’m tagged.
Wrists tied to ankles with chains of pun, it’s impossible to break loose
Even though with a strength, as much as Zeus’
I’m ensnared by poetry, just a slave, so till the end of my life
I will endure!

---Ronald K. Ssekajja, Fampah Coyish---

© By Fampah Coyish, Ronald K Socratise Ssekajja-Awoken By Poems 2014

Friday, 23 May 2014



I opened the door for Anna
Anytime I wrong her I go like; hey I’m sorry please
I wiped my sweaty face with my white sleeve
While under my umbrella she walks with ease.
You call me a fool
But hey no, don’t say that
For I have my reasons
I’m just trying to be a gentle man.

I know dad calls me a fool for he says I’m crude
Yes but at times he calls me good
Well, I know but I just want to be a gentle man.
He says it not anything someone could buy
Nor a property to inherit
But you know,

Jane said I could be, even though I’m crude
And that it’s just a matter of time
No need to go to school.
For she will scoop my coarseness away
And like bam!
The gentle man I want to be I will be.
---Fampah Coyish---

© By Fampah Coyish-Awoken By Poems 2014

Thursday, 22 May 2014


Has the aroma of the unfinished bread
Put you to sleep?
Has the firewood burn out into ashes?
What about the charcoal?
I wonder if you could ever bake your own bread
And share equally among your offspring.
Wake up Mama and look at me hungry in rags.
Have the mercy and utilize
What my bastard dad left me.

Don’t be fooled by friends
For they might not be as fortunate as you
So would want you to be in same level as them.
The oven has gone cold-
Yet we need to bake.

Why can’t you make up your mind
And change the faulty ovens?
But would always want to give it
Another try while you know in your hearts,
The ovens cannot bake the bread of development;
Of which your children are waiting
To feast upon with a hungry relish.

Who is brain washing you Mama,
That the oven is doing well?
Have you forgotten your words that;
If a mother knows the use of her breast milk
Her children may never suffer?

I weep for you Mama
Because being so rich, yet you lack
The eyes to look around and see.
Always that naive slut
 Hovering about potbellied men
With briefcases making news in town
Yet we still have less to depend on
Because you strike poor bargains
Before every shag.
You give in too much
And always left with little to care for.

I cry for you, instead of myself.
I pity you mother
Cause I’m been scorn by strangers
For your acts-they entirely mistake me for an animal!
Even though Odomankoma has built me to last.
They call me names
But yes! I bear with those fools somewhat!
Because my mother upon all the oil she has
And all the left over minerals
My bastard father left us
Has no clue of how to bake her own bread with.
But I will keep on crying, changing pitch
Till you hear me out and act.
For it is only when the mouth has got enough to chew
That some spreads into the beard.
---Fampah Coyish---

© By Fampah Coyish-Awoken By Poems 2014

Tuesday, 20 May 2014



I don’t want to be here again
I don’t want to come back here again
Cause my life is full of miseries

And why should I come back here again
When I get the best of chances in life
And I’m gone

Gone back to where I belong again
I shall…
I think be the happiest man on that fateless land

For I am on my best in life now
Straightening the crooked in life
And oh, oh…

My love I will be very-very sorry
For it will because you pain
Heartbreak and weakness in your bones
 But let me oh!
Let me go!
To where I belong in peace
For that’s where I must belong

But cease not praying
Keep asking for a better place
Till your time expires.
---Fampah Coyish---

© By Fampah Coyish-Awoken By Poems 2014

Saturday, 10 May 2014



The dark night has left an
Indelible mark on my mind
It has affected me behaviourally.
I’m changed, I’m different
From my old shadow.

I feel so shallow,
So each day I worry.
I need my blood
Give me back my blood-
Why must I be loosed from myself
Just to live to believe the future
Will appreciate me?

This new blood rushing through
My vein is killing me to death.
Whether it was from a robber, or one angry beast
I have no earthly idea!
My old self was sober and calm
Oh, how wicked you are!
How wicked pains you have cause me
How could you do this to me?

Merciless Anemia!
See how still you have made me
How happy I was with my former self
But now I can’t see myself
As I look into the mirror-
All I see is a weird man wearing my looks.
---Fampah Coyish---
© By Fampah Coyish-Awoken By Poems 2013