Sunday, 26 April 2015


I told you I will always remember you,
I wish I could fulfill that last promise.
I told you, I will always love you,
I wish I can keep that one too.
But I am much thankful,
For all that you taught me.

I am very much grateful I met you,
And the last things I promised.
That last wishes I wished to
Make right was to always
Keep an iota of your memory,
Your thoughts,
Your gleaming beauty,
The sound of your cries,
And your giggles with me.
Not mattering who has
Now taken over the company
You abandoned.

But I am sorry
For it getting worse
For as a mirage you have
Become you stay on my mind
Longer than my current manager
And this is affecting my code of ethics badly

So I will
Just for the present
And for the benefit of both
Delete you and your thoughts
Completely from my memory
But however you one day
Tell your story,
Remember someone
Somewhere loved you
So badly and gave you
His whole heart to manage
But you failed him
And collapsed the business
But yet still he said in calmness;
It was really nice doing
This love business with you.
---Fampah Coyish---

© By Fampah Coyish-Awoken By Poems 2015

Friday, 24 April 2015


The memories I left lingering in your mind.
The treacherous words I spat and could not lick back.
NormanJean, I was really bad!
I hurt you with my Eye rhymes,
Pierced you with my Internal rhymes,
Broke you with my End rhymes,
And betrayed you in my deadly Half rhymes.
I am sorry, I did it all for love; for the love of poetry.
I did it all for that purpose of which I write.
---Fampah Coyish---

© By Fampah Coyish-Awoken By Poems 2015

Thursday, 23 April 2015



I sat with tears sitting in my eyes,
Smiling all life out of me,
Like a lunatic!
Building thoughts about
When I had those chances to receive.

I could still remember so vividly;
That countenance,
The willingness,
To give out what could be so dear
To a person as such
And how I caged my heart,
And nodded my head,
In appreciation with a stern gentle face,
Spread on like a bed sheet,
And refusing to receive from such a dear heart.

It remembered me, as I thought of my missed
Opportunities-when I had the chance to
To be received again;
When I had the time to reevaluate my options,
To be with you.
When you were like just like this in manner
Like how I’ve missed...
From the bottom of a kind heart as this
Little lad who willingly strived so hard
  To persuade me with his kindness

To receive his little piece of toffee,
With so much compassion as a newly born mother
---Fampah Coyish---

© By Fampah Coyish-Awoken By Poems 2014

Saturday, 18 April 2015



You don’t seem prepared,
And my nerves do not seem repaired.
From the pains caused is great,
And I want to take a time out alone.
So whenever you feel,
Prepared and really ready,
Come find me!

Find me,
For I will be walking all alone,
Awaiting and expecting your second coming,
So come find me!
I won’t be walking faster.
I won’t be gone then.
I still will be sluggish,
Because I know you will surely come someday,
So come find me!

Come find me.
Running barefooted in the desert sand,
With apologetic tears standing in your eyes.
Come find me,
Calling on my name,
Rolling in the sand crying:
Baby, Baby-Baby I am sorry.

Come find me,
And when you run, run,
Run, run, run, run, run O:
And you run;
But still cannot find me.
Just open your eyes,
And me you will find,
Me besides you sitting;
Watching you toss and turn on the bed-
Just smiling.
---Fampah Coyish---

© By Fampah Coyish-Awoken By Poems 2015

Friday, 17 April 2015



Whose corpse should I give thee,
As a token for your daily bread?
I have asked, that ye work
But O: coffin maker!
Remember I am your maker
And not your hater
Your daily bread I shall give thee
But your wishes for a boost in market…

O coffin maker;
Watch your prayer
Reconsider your lines
And the choruses in your pleas
Remember I am your maker
And not their destroyer,
Yet men will surely die.
But how will I take the lives
They so much wish to keep?

O coffin maker;
Remember I am your maker
And not your hater
And as for your prayers,
They always come to me
But I always have to reconsider
 For they also say;
 Their daily long living prayer.
---Fampah Coyish---

© By Fampah Coyish-Awoken By Poems 2015

Tuesday, 7 April 2015



If God still loves Cain
Will He still love me same
If I slaughter one of these
My brethren for not honouring Him
If He came,
But like Cain, shall I be loved?

Who shall love me?
Without disgust,
Without shame?
Who will see me as same?
Without making me feel a bit shame,
And not make me feel guilt
By making my plights earn fame.

 Twice born, twice came
Twice cursed, twice forbidden
Twice born in one flesh
Who will feel my pain?
Who shall want to partake in this weirdness?
Who shall want to love me?
Who shall want to take this shame,
For a lover, for an eternal companion?

Who shall love me?
Without being teased
From the tease of those,
Those who know my plight?
For twice born, twice came
With unidentical twins-
A male and a female
In between my thighs
But if God still loves Cain
Will He still love me same
If I slaughter one of these
My brethren to honour Him
If He came?
For like Cain, no one likes to love me.
---Fampah Coyish---

© By Fampah Coyish-Awoken By Poems 2015

Saturday, 4 April 2015



If I never write a thing at this age
Who will?
When you are
What you are
I alone know.
People have perceptions
Numerous ones of you
But I know you best.

If I never say a thing now
When I have life
Because of you
When else can I utter it?
Is it when I’m stiff, or when you are?

If I don’t let you known
That you are the person behind
My existences amidst nature’s irresponsibilities.
That you stood still
Even when there was nothing to do
But to give way to tears
To find favour for me to be here today.

If I hide you behind my pen
And never make anybody know
The woman behind my existence
Who else will the credit be given to-who?
So I say thank you for being there
And bearing me when nobody bear me
You who bore me
And made not the doctors beat out
The childhood cry out of me
Because you loved me
Upon all the pains I sent you through.

I love you to the galaxies and back
Words would be too weak
To describe the weight of my love for you
Neither can any scale measure it weight.
I adore you so forgive my unbearable nature
For I cherish you so much.
You are my all in all, and the only one I have.
So I shall tell the world,
The woman behind this amazing writer,
Who has never scribbled anything for his Mama.
I love you and I will say it now, and not when
I’m gone
Nor you’re gone
So you may know the pureness in my words.
---Fampah Coyish---

© By Fampah Coyish-Awoken By Poems 2014