If I never write a thing at this age
Who will?
When you are
What you are
I alone know.
People have perceptions
Numerous ones of you
But I know you best.
If I never say a thing now
When I have life
Because of you
When else can I utter it?
Is it when I’m stiff, or when you are?
If I don’t let you known
That you are the person behind
My existences amidst nature’s
That you stood still
Even when there was nothing to do
But to give way to tears
To find favour for me to be here today.
If I hide you behind my pen
And never make anybody know
The woman behind my existence
Who else will the credit be given to-who?
So I say thank you for being there
And bearing me when nobody bear me
You who bore me
And made not the doctors beat out
The childhood cry out of me
Because you loved me
Upon all the pains I sent you through.
I love you to the galaxies and back
Words would be too weak
To describe the weight of my love for you
Neither can any scale measure it weight.
I adore you so forgive my unbearable nature
For I cherish you so much.
You are my all in all, and the only one I have.
So I shall tell the world,
The woman behind this amazing writer,
Who has never scribbled anything for his Mama.
I love you and I will say it now, and not when
I’m gone
Nor you’re gone
So you may know the pureness in my words.
---Fampah Coyish---
By Fampah Coyish-Awoken By Poems 2014
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