Tuesday, 22 April 2014



Did you hear?
That the biggest tree in West Africa
Is the toothpick of the great god of Athens?
Eeeii! And that the world
Will soon be rolled like a sausage
And served to the great king of London?

I heard also that this world and it great rocks will
Be melted like an ice cream.
Hmmm… it wouldn’t be that easy for
That dude who will be doing that!
What do you think?

Well I think we should be thinking of ourselves
And how we are going to survive this
Chip implant thing
I fear that all humans will be made robots
Hahaaha! Funny you..

But really, I really do fear that stuff too-
Cause when reading the scriptures
In revelations, it was made mention there-
The mark of the beast.
 Cause whoever receives it not
Will not have access to medical care
Cannot buy or sell
And that begins the rapture and suffering.

They said they will implant it in the foreheads
Or the wrists of individuals.
Eeeeeeiiii, you and your hear says!
Well, I have to go now
We have gossiped a lot today
I need to go prepare dinner for the family
But let’s just pray that the Good Lord
Preserves our souls
For whether we like it or yes it will happen
And I learnt it will be terrible days.
---Fampah Coyish---
© By Fampah Coyish-Awoken By Poems 2013

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